Decide exactly where you want to place hive. It is not advisable to move hive once situated because of weight and bee GPS although not impossible. Conventional suggestions placing with bee entrance facing south. (In the northern hemisphere) Since this hive is well insulated you can position it facing to the east to southwest.
If using hive stand or other raised platform you must place on level surface. Remove topsoil or other debris so the area is perfectly flat and won't settle off level.
If using our stand, position notch to the back, opposite the bee entrance. The notch in stand allows clearance for the rear panel to open.
For transportation purposes the roof section should be moved separately and not attached to main hive box. If you receive assembled, for ease of setting, remove upper hinge screws from all three hinges. Pop loose from cover. Use two people to remove roof section. It's not heavy but bulky. Be careful of edges of sheet metal roof sections as they may cut you.
Set main hive box on hive stand.
Set roof section on hive box. Reinstall hinge screws. Make sure roof section opens and closes without resistance.
PLEASE be careful opening roof and do not let it swing open hard or drop in the closed position. Do not leave roof lid open and unattended so wind doesn't rip it off. The roof should stop in the open position just past it vertical position. If not satisfied, a stick can hold it open as you inspect or do maintenance.
As a suggestion if using our hive stand, place a 3-1/2 inch decking screw from the hive base into the lower corner of the hive. This will keep it from the possibility of becoming upset and tipping the whole hive over. Once the weight of the colony and filled frames occurs, the weight will hold it pretty much down.
As your hive/colony grows, periodically inspect the inside behind the removable rear panel for debris and any other insects that might enter. Placing cinnamon powder around the base of the hive stand will keep black ants out of the hive.
As the hive ages you may want to place another coat of good exterior acrylic latex paint (semi gloss) on the hive outside walls. The best time is late in the day when most of the activity has ceased.